


Bibliographic research, Learning theory, Vygotsky


The article presents a bibliographical research involving cultural-historical psychology, with the aim of helping those who wish to familiarize themselves with this theoretical framework to get closer to it, and to continue traveling this path of knowledge, in order to develop pedagogical practices in science teaching that are committed to favoring the attribution of meaning to students' learning, guaranteeing them their protagonism, in addition to promoting collaborative learning and developing in students the ability to learn from their peers. Throughout the text, the origins of cultural-historical psychology are presented with a focus on Vygotsky's life, followed by some basic assumptions on which it is based, pointing out and discussing the elementary psychological functions and the higher psychological functions and, finally, the Vygotsky's conceptions regarding learning, development and activity, important aspects regarding the dynamics between the process of cultural appropriation and the development of functional processes. Considering the importance of cultural-historical psychology in the learning process, and the complexity of Vygotsky's texts, we identify the need for constant investment in the dissemination and analysis of his studies, including because some of them are not known to many teachers.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, A. R., & Cardoso, S. P. (2024). CULTURAL-HISTORICAL PSYCHOLOGY: ASPECTS OF A PATH FORWARD FOR SCIENCE TEACHING . Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 15(1), e24152452.



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