


Olfaction, Sense organ, Nervous system, Perfume, BNCC


The implementation of the National Common Curricular Base brought challenges for teachers, in terms of organizing new training itineraries and defining ways of approaching selected content, especially in Science teaching. From this perspective, we present the educational product resulting from a professional master's thesis in science teaching, which provides the investigative teaching sequence called Science of Smells. Qualitative in nature, exploratory in objective and involving a case study, the research developed and applied an investigative didactic sequence (SEI) with perfumes as its generating theme, which were used to contextualize the interaction of the nervous system and the sense organs, highlighting the olfaction. The theme was conducted in an interdisciplinary and investigative approach involving concepts from biology and chemistry, with SEI presenting five stages involving diverse teaching methodologies and resources, such as reading, debates, virtual visit to a museum, teaching models and experiments, aiming to promote problematization and the relationship between the content covered and the students’ daily lives. The application of the SEI took place in a sixth-year elementary school class, meeting its objective, with the activities contributing to the students' conceptual gain on the topics covered, but also helping in the reading and interpretation of texts and in participatory and group work. . The educational product, in addition to the investigative teaching sequence, is composed of theoretical questions involving the BNCC, teaching through investigation and interdisciplinarity, among other topics covered in the research, in order to support teachers in using the proposed SEI in their classes.


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How to Cite

Faria, F. F. F., & Cardoso, S. P. (2024). THE SMELL SCIENCE: AN INVESTIGATIVE TEACHING SEQUENCE . Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 15(1), e24152545.



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