



Teaching Learning, Epistemic Movements, Didactic Strategies


The objective of this article is to investigate, from 2018 to 2022, how epistemic practices are dissolved in science teaching, in addition to carrying out a search that relates epistemic practices to the STEM/STEAM approach, through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Google Scholar, Eric and Springer Link databases were used as search sources. A total of 593 articles on the subject were retrieved, of which 35 were selected. In Brazil, the results show that research in the field of Epistemic Practices and STEAM/STEM is disconnected, but abroad it is possible to see this connection, which justifies the need for future work on this line, especially in Brazil, which was not found. We also identified the main authors working from this perspective, the target audience of the research, the teaching strategies, the journals and the main themes. It can be highlighted that the topic is intertwined with research activities, teaching-learning sections and argumentation in most of the works, mainly in primary education. The main epistemic practices mentioned in the articles were also identified. It should be noted that there is plenty of room for studying the subject in both primary and higher education, and the need to understand the epistemological construction of STEAM/STEM in order to apply the epistemic practices of each discipline so that the process of interdisciplinarity is not lost.


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How to Cite

Jesus, D. S. de, & Wartha, E. J. (2024). EPISTEMIC PRACTICES AND THE STEM/STEAM APPROACH IN SCIENCE TEACHING: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 15(1), e24152577. https://doi.org/10.22407/2176-1477/2024.v15.2577



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