


Problems of the Technology Teaching, Prisma, Education 4.0


In a world increasingly dependent on technology, adjustments in various sectors of society are always necessary to keep up with these developments. Similarly, education tries to follow that trend by adapting curriculum and methods to current needs. The movement known as Education 4.0 is the materialization of the need to implement technological adjustments in the curriculum of 21st-century schools. Therefore, it is necessary to try to understand how the Education 4.0 movement is occurring in national schools. Thus, the objective of the present study is to investigate, in the literature, proposals and case studies that allow us to understand the current scenario regarding the implementation of education 4.0 in Brazil, more specifically that of technological infrastructure and teaching methodologies. For this purpose, we used the PRISMA protocol to carry out a guided selection of articles of interest and the CIMO logic to carry out the systematic analysis. Our analysis shows that there are specific movements, motivated by the willpower of some teachers and researchers, but which face different types of challenges, such as a lack of technological infrastructure, standardized methodologies, among others. Our conclusion shows that schools across the country need support to implement Education 4.0, in terms of technological infrastructure and standardized methodologies. However, due to the scarcity of reports published in the literature, it is only possible to state that the present study lacks other reports, in addition to those used, to become more robust.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, R. C., Xavier, M. C., Silva, C. A. da, Violante, F. de A., Castro, D. L. de, & Santos, G. N. (2024). AN ANALYSIS OF THE LITERATURE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATION 4.0 TECHNOLOGIES AND TEACHING METHODOLOGIES IN BRAZILIAN SCHOOLS USING THE PRISMA PROTOCOL. Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 15(1), e24152548.



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