


New High School, critical thinking, following teaching


Science teaching through investigation enables student involvement with scientific problems, making learning more interesting and motivating. Starting from the principle that evolution is the central axis of biology and considering the need to create pedagogical activities within high school training itineraries, this work aimed to analyze the potential of teaching through investigation in biology classes, with themes in the evolutionary bias, aiming to provide autonomy to the student in the construction of critical thinking within the new high school itinerary. The investigative activity was carried out with four classes from the new High School, within an itinerary of in-depth Biology, totaling 103 students. The content covered was Evolution and the activity was organized according to the following didactic sequence: solving the problem by groups, systematizing the knowledge developed and describing the results of the work. During the presentation of possible answers to the problem, students mobilized their previous knowledge and proposed ideas. All phases were important for building the final result. Inicial student resistance to the investigative teaching methodology was observed, however, throughout the activity, there was a significant increase in interest and understanding, reflecting the success of the approach in developing scientific skills and engaging students in research practices. It was necessary to encourage students and highlight their potential in each of the stages so that the final part was a moment of success. The feedback was positive and many students felt confident about the relationships established between the different contents.

Author Biographies

Mariana Durigon, Universidade Franciscana

Mariana Durigon has a degree in Biological Sciences - Full Degree (2010) and a master's degree in Agrobiology (2012) from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM); specialization in higher education teaching from Universidade Anhanguera Uniderp and doctorate in progress at Universidade Franciscana. Effective teacher at the Federal Institute Farroupilha - Campus Júlio de Castilhos (on leave for qualification)

Mariane Paludette Dorneles , Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai and Missões - URI - Campus Santiago. Specialist in Environmental Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM. Master from the Postgraduate Program in Agrobiology at UFSM. PhD in Botany from UFRGS. Research focused on biogeography of tropical formations, plant anatomy, botanical imperception and science education. Experience with Science in the final years of elementary school, and Biology in high school. In higher education in Biological Sciences, Pedagogy and Environmental Engineering courses. Extension project coordinator and postgraduate teacher. Research advisor in the areas of education, botany and ecology. Teacher training and training. Research group, Franciscan University, UFN. Currently a high school and technical teacher at Colégio Dom Feliciano (ICM).

Thais Scotti do Canto-Dorow, Universidade Franciscana

Graduated in Biological Sciences and Pedagogy, master and PhD in Sciences/Botany from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Experience in Plant Taxonomy, mainly on the following topics: Poaceae (Digitaria) and taxonomy of Angiosperms. Retired professor from UFSM since 2013, currently works at the Franciscan University of Santa Maria as coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching (Academic), in the research lines Teacher training and teaching-learning, with an emphasis on teaching biology. Leader of the Research Group on Science and Mathematics Teaching - GPECIM (CNPq Research Group Directory).


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How to Cite

Durigon, M., Dorneles , M. . P., & Canto-Dorow, T. S. do. (2024). SCIENCE TEACHING THROUGH RESEARCH: A DIDACTIC PROPOSAL TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTENTS ON EVOLUTION. Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 15(1), e24152439.



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