


Simulation Training, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Simulator, Empathy Belly


When talking about pregnancy, it is noted that it can cause fear in some people and arouse great interest in others, for this reason it is important to discuss issues related to pregnancy in a light, but also conscious way. Within the scope of teaching, there are several strategies used to work on this topic and simulation is one of them. This work aimed to carry out an integrative review to investigate which types of use are being attributed to an American The Empathy Belly pregnancy simulator. To identify these publications, the Google Scholar platform was used, using keywords and predefined criteria. Twenty-three  works were obtained; however, no one  mentioning the use of the simulator in the Brazilian context, despite the authors of this article recognizing its educational use in a science museum. This educational technology is versatile and has been used for several purposes, such as an educational tool for mainly undergraduate students in the health area, it is used to stimulate empathy and even with industry officials responsible for the elaboration of products that will be offered to pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in investigating the limitations and potential of its use in the national context.



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How to Cite

Oliveira, D. da S. T. de, Oliveira, S. de, Bevilacqua, G. D., & Coutinho-Silva, R. (2024). INTEGRATIVE REVIEW ON APPLICATIONS ATTRIBUTED TO THE EMPATHY BELLY SIMULATOR. Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 15(1), e24152398.



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