


internet, activity theory, students, trends, contemporary digital technologies


This study aims to analyze the use of the Internet by urban school students in 2019 (before the pandemic) and to answer the "What was the purpose of the use of the Internet in school activities by urban school students in 2019 (before the pandemic)?" focusing on data from the survey carried out by in 2019. In addition, we explore the contribution of Vygotsky, Leontiev and Engestrom's Activity Theory to understanding the learning process of students who use mediating technologies. Several trends stand out, such as educational games, research, and online group work. The research also shows low scientific dissemination on the internet, as well as low communication between teachers and students. The results highlight the internet's significant mediating role in primary school students learning in the northern region of Brazil. It also highlights the importance of integrating digital literacy into the school curriculum to prepare students for the constantly evolving digital world. The research also highlights the need to overcome socio-economic barriers and promote internet access as a fundamental right. The results confirm the internet's mediating potential in primary school students learning in northern Brazil.

Author Biographies

José Lauro Martins, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

He has a degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Paraná (1992), a Master's degree in Education Science from the Autonomous University of Asunción (2005) and a PhD in Education Science from the University of Minho (2014). He is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Tocantins, in the journalism course and in the Postgraduate Program in Science and Health Teaching (PPGECS/UFT). He is a member of the Research and Extension Center "Observatory of Research Applied to Journalism and Teaching" (Opaje).

Wegle Borges Amorim, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Graduated in Pharmacy from ITPAC (2009). Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Science and Health Teaching at the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT. Specializing in Digital Health - UFG. Postgraduate Lato Sensu in Educational Technologies for Teaching Practice in Health Education at FIOCRUZ School (2018), in Multidisciplinary Nephrology at UFMA (2017), in Pharmaceutical Care Management at UFSC (2012) and in Clinical Pharmacology at UFG (2010).


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How to Cite

Matos, L. S. de, Martins, J. L., & Amorim, W. B. (2024). NAVIGATING THROUGH KNOWLEDGE - THE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET ON SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 15(1), e24152455.



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