


Web Application, Digital Didactic Resource, ARDS, Covid-19, Health Education


This article describes the implementation of a WebApp – PEEP Trial – as a continuing education tool for physical therapists during the Covid-19 pandemic. Its objective was to facilitate significant learning in ventilatory assistance regarding the assessment of respiratory mechanics response to PEEP in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. For the elaboration of this resource, the dilemmas regarding the adjustment of PEEP in these patients were contextualized, the need for rapid training of hundreds of physical therapists in response to the pandemic and the use of interactive multimedia applications and resources as facilitators of the teaching-learning process. The application was developed in HTML, CSS and Javascript and facilitated the choice of individualized PEEP by presenting a curve that suggests the best compromise between alveolar collapse and hyperdistension in ventilated patients with ARDS. Subsequent to training and application by physiotherapists at the covid-19 hospital center, respiratory mechanics data were recorded. The use of the application facilitated the rapid teaching of a care protocol using an activity that deviates from the traditional methodology. The PEEP Trial represented a possibility of motivating and meaningful learning in which the four pillars of education are inserted: learning to be, learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together. In addition, it introduced an interesting tool related to the daily practice of the physical therapist that facilitated thinking about daily routines actions, even under the adversities of care practice in the pandemic. The PEEP Trial as a tool in continuing education was useful to increase the interest of physical therapists in digital technologies with themes related to ventilatory assistance and to establish individualized adjustments. Finally, the physiotherapists' report showed that the application favored the assimilation of specific knowledge, skills and competences through this health education action.


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How to Cite

da Cruz, M. R., Costa, Érica da P., Xavier, T. B. da C., Medeiros, D. M., Japiassú, A. M., & Camilo, L. M. (2023). PEEP TRIAL: AN APPLICATION FOR ASSESSING THE RESPONSE TO PEEP AS A CONTINUING EDUCATION STRATEGY IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 14, e23142265.



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