Diversity and body condition of wild birds in a reforestation area in the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil

Diversidade e condição corporal de aves silvestres em área de reflorestamento na Mata Atlântica do Sudeste do Brasil



ecological descriptors, fitness, seasonality, conservation, Médio Paraíba Region, birds


The Atlantic Forest has priority areas for conservation, especially in the Médio Paraíba Region in southeastern Brazil, which was widely deforested during the coffee cycle. In this sense, some methods of environmental assessment as the evaluation of the body condition of wild animals have been widely applied and related to a variety of biological and environmental factors. The current work aimed to evaluate the diversity and body condition of wild birds, and their relationship to biological, ecological and environmental factors, in a reforestation area in the municipality of Pinheiral in the Médio Paraíba Region in southeastern Brazil. A total of 195 were captured with mist nets and identified. Body condition was calculated using simple linear regression between body mass and body length. Linear regression and analysis of variance were used to determine the relationship of body condition with the biological and environmental data. The Shannon-wiener diversity index (H'), Simpson dominance index (λ‘) and Pielou evenness index (J') were calculated from the abundance of bird species. The order Passeriformes was the most representative among the captured birds. Among all the biological and ecological data evaluated, body condition was significantly related only to rain and temperature, where it was observed that the body condition indexes decrease with the increase of the rains and temperature, that is, with the wet season. The Shannon-wiener, Simpson and Pielou indexes showed greater diversity and less dominance in the wet season compared to the dry season, although there is a predominance of birds with greater forest dependencies in the dry season. This work highlights the importance of the maintenance of this reforestation area in the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil for the conservation of the birds and of the ecosystem of the region, besides showing that the wet season is unfavorable for the body condition of birds.


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Como Citar

de Souza Oliveira, M., Ortúzar-Ferreira, C. N., de Assis Silva Andrade, L., Alves Franco, H., & Pereira Berto, B. (2023). Diversity and body condition of wild birds in a reforestation area in the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil: Diversidade e condição corporal de aves silvestres em área de reflorestamento na Mata Atlântica do Sudeste do Brasil. Brazilian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science, 1(1). Recuperado de https://revistascientificas.ifrj.edu.br/index.php/bjaes/article/view/2327


