


Financial math, Elementary School, Pedagogical practice, Financial education, Critical Education


Financial mathematics is present daily in various situations in our daily lives, whether in the life of a child or an elderly person. The press fills citizens daily with information about taxes, fees and contributions, so it is important to be aware of the taxes that affect the prices of goods, private or public services and the contributions that every citizen is subject to paying. The objective of the work was to show the importance of studying Financial Mathematics in Elementary School II, seeking to analyze how the content should be transmitted, so that the student is able to diagnose, reflect and solve financial problems on a daily basis. The research methodology of this work was carried out through research and consultation of materials available on websites, articles, books, monographs and dissertations regarding Financial Mathematics. Documents such as the PCNs - National Curricular Parameters, Law of Guidelines and Base and the National Common Curricular Base in Basic Education. A questionnaire was applied to identify how Financial Mathematics is being worked on in the classroom and what pedagogical resources the teacher had at her disposal, among other information relevant to the research. The main results obtained during the work, it was noted that starting financial education from childhood, together with other curricular subjects at school, undoubtedly makes it easier for the student to reach adulthood when dealing with problems. personal finances and thus have a more financially stable life. It was clearly possible to notice that much more than the demonstration and deduction of formulas, Financial Mathematics can be used as a tool for decision-making in the environment in which students live.


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How to Cite

Lopes, J. P. S., Gomes de Melo, A., & Guimarães Reis Box, C. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION II. Revista Ciências & Ideias ISSN: 2176-1477, 15(1), e24152507.



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